Sunday, August 22, 2010

Late night anatomy

So it's 2 a.m. right now and I just got home from the anatomy lab. Late nights in the anatomy lab are so much fun. Admittedly, sometimes having too much fun in anatomy lab can be distracting and take away from my productivity level but it's still more effective and efficient for me to spend my time in lab than at home (where I get distracted by other things like River....and food....and TV.....and outside....). Anyway, I promise I will try to at some point in the near future (hopefully) give a longer and more informative update about vet school. I can't promise it will be a well organized thought/post, though.

Countdown to my first anatomy exam: 3 days!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Still behind....

So I still feel kind of (but not badly) behind in Anatomy but that's mainly because yesterday evening (after classes) I went and picked up my bookshelves that had finally gotten in AND assembled them. Assembling them took me about 3 hours.....and then add in the time it took me to make dinner, etc. so that I basically didn't study at all last night and believe it or not, that's enough to get you behind in vet school. But on the upside, now I have somewhere to put my books!

First anatomy exam countdown: 6 days!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not knowing what to expect...

Not knowing what to expect for the first anatomy exam is killing me. So last week was my first week in vet school. Technically, it was only half a week so I'm actually considering tomorrow the start of my ACTUAL first week in vet school. Either way though, I have completed 3 full days of vet school and so far I enjoy tremendously. Unfortunately, I'm freaking out on the inside not because I'm super stressed about how much  we need to know for anatomy (which is a lot) but more because I just don't know what to expect. Basically, I don't know enough about what to expect to be any more descriptive than just "a lot" when describing what we need to know. Of what we've gone over so far in class, I know we'll need to know the bones of the thoracic limb, each part of each bone, the muscles, the muscle attachments, the muscle actions, the joints, but where does it end? Do we need to know the fascia? Do we need to know (for the first exam) the muscle attachments that are not on the thoracic limb (like the sternebrae ones)? When it comes to the muscle actions, will it be sufficient to know just whether it extends or flexes that particular joint or will we have to know all the other minor actions as well? My assumption (both a safe, and probably accurate assumption) is that we will need to know everything in as much detail as possible. And that's okay with me - I truly do enjoy learning about this stuff. I just wish I knew what to expect for the test. The anticipation of the first anatomy exam (in a week and a half) is almost too much to handle.

With that being said, I honestly do feel behind. I feel like I probably know about 75% of what I should know if I were on a good pace. Being behind isn't really stressing me out though. I think I just feel behind because it's been a WHOLE 2 DAYS since our last "official" anatomy lab and I definitely think our scheduled anatomy labs help me a lot. I used the words "official" and "scheduled" to describe the anatomy labs that I was referring to because there have also been a few times already that I have gone to the anatomy lab during off hours just to review/study. Tomorrow is Monday though, which means it's time for 4 (possibly more depending how I spend my weekend(s)) straight days of anatomy lab this week and every week following. So after tomorrow I'm hoping to feel on track again.

I started this post with no particular ideas or organization in mind and it has led me to this....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"It's gonna be awesome...."

So the title of this post is a quote from a classmate and it actually was not related to vet school BUT the conversation was hilarious so it is definitely quote-worthy and in this case, I feel this way about vet school so it applies....

Anyway, yesterday was my last day of a 3 day Orientation and a 1/2 day for the White Coat Ceremony. Orientation was long and quite boring at times and in my opinion, not particularly informative about anything we didn't already know BUT I'm not really complaining because it was fun meeting my classmates and everything. The White Coat Ceremony was pretty awkward, in my opinion, so that was a lot of fun too :p

I have to go pick up my books and supplies and ID card today around 2:30-3 but other than that today is our "day off" before classes start tomorrow. So yeah, classes start tomorrow and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be awesome.

Right now I am updating this blog just for the sake of "updating". I would write more but I really don't feel much like "writing" right now.